Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics
Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics is composed of scientists, researchers, bioethicists, medical, academic and other professionals, patient advocates, and concerned individuals who advocate the ethical pursuit of stem cell research and regenerative medicine in general. Do No Harm opposes stem cell research that relies on the destruction of human life and on human cloning and supports such alternatives as adult and cord blood stem cell research and the more recent advances involving induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Established in 1999, Do No Harm was launched with the following objectives:
- To advance the development of medical treatments and therapies that do not require the destruction of human life, including the human embryo.
- To educate and inform public policy makers and the general public regarding these ethically acceptable and medically promising areas of research and treatment.
- To support continuation of federal laws prohibiting the federal funding of research that requires the destruction of human life, including the human embryo.
Founding Statement of Do No Harm
(Full Statement)
Signatories of Statement
Other Friends
Founding Members of Do No Harm